ELORA takes 3rd place in the ZHH partner poll in the in the category hand tools
Even in Corona times, the Tools Working Group (AKW) in the Central Association of the Hardware Trade (Zentralverband Hartwarenhandel e.V.), Düsseldorf (ZHH), held the PVH partner vote in the hand tools, precision tools, factory equipment, fastening technology, safety at work, abrasives/cutting-off materials, measuring tools and chemical products categories for the 21st time in recent weeks. At the beginning of the year, the specialist trade in the hardware sector with a tool assortment, irrespective of membership of the association ZHH, was called upon to select its industry partners of the year 2020 with regard to
- Specialist trade loyalty,
- Realised margin/market cultivation
- Sales support
- Product innovation
- Data and digitalisation quality and
- Complaint behaviour
to be evaluated. The announcement of the three best-placed partners in each area and the honouring of the winners had to take place digitally due to the current situation. It took place after the “6th PVH Congress goes digital”.
Further information can be found on the website of the ZHH.

